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"The high quality of teaching kept us at this school for four weeks, as well as the availability of a..."
The below reviews were submited by students who studied at Academia Surpacifico - Manta
Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of LanguageBookings.com
This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.
Score | 78% |
Very Poor | Poor | Average | Good | Excellent | ||
Facilities | 73% | |||||
Location | 80% | |||||
Fun | 66% | |||||
Teaching | 93% |
Individual student reviews about Academia Surpacifico - Manta
Reviews are ordered by language and date. Maximum 25 comments per page
The high quality of teaching kept us at this school for four weeks, as well as the availability of a convenient but basic apartment above the school. Manta is not a tourist city unless you are into kite surfing at a beach 20 min away. Field trips were few and often cancelled. The classrooms are simple with nice whiteboards but not often cleaned. Halfway through class you're served a milky drink and bread roll. The school is downtown. In sum: excellent teaching, the rest is average.
Tenía clases de espanol por 4 semanas, 4 horas diario. Cada alumno tenía su propio profesor. Me hize amigos de todo el mundo y durante el recreo y en la tarde, después de las clases, pasabamos juntos en la playa. Aprendi muchisimo y pasé un examen de espanol después. Fue una experiencia inolvidable. Una buena mezcla entre clases y diversión. Los profesores son muy amables, esforzados y divertidos.Y Manta es un lugar maravilloso donde siempre hace sol!! Muy Recomendable!!