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"Mon séjour était formidable! J'ai trouvé ILA avec votre site, je suis resté Presque 6 mois. Qua..."
The below reviews were submited by students who studied at Institut Linguistique Adenet
Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of LanguageBookings.com
This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.
Score | 85% |
Very Poor | Poor | Average | Good | Excellent | ||
Facilities | 80% | |||||
Location | 100% | |||||
Fun | 73% | |||||
Teaching | 86% |
Individual student reviews about Institut Linguistique Adenet
Reviews are ordered by language and date. Maximum 25 comments per page
Mon séjour était formidable! J'ai trouvé ILA avec votre site, je suis resté Presque 6 mois. Quand j'ai commence j'avais le niveau A2 e maintenant, je peux parler avec tout le monde! ILA m'a beaucoup aide avant mon arrive pour le VISA, et tout le monde était très professionnel et sympatique à l'école. J'ai demandé à changer de niveau ce n'était jamais un probleme. Je me suis fait beaucoup de nouveau amis du monde entier, et ma famille d'accueil aussi sont devenus mes amis. Mon séjour va beaucoup
Mainly teenage/young students. Language ability not high (few students at a real C1 level) and some poor behaviour (fiddling with phones, eating in class, talking in the background, shouting others down if they didn't share their opinion). Teachers and staff very pleasant and helpful, but I think the teachers should do more to curb vociferous students and more to encourage the silent ones to talk. School very good at organising events & trips at a reasonable price & they were well attended.