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Score: 96%

Based on 15 student reviews.
"This school is very committed to teach their students. All the staff, administrative and teachers, c..."
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Course type

Total price

No. of Students

Course title: Super Intensive
Course hours: 09:00 - 18:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 10
School admin. fee: €101.83 tooltip Average number of students: 8
Lesson duration: 50 minutes Course materials: €40.73 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2
If you wish to rapidly improve your lan­guage skills, or if your stay in Mon­treal is a short one, this pro­gram will be per­fect for you. It com­bines the inten­sive pro­gram courses with a selec­tion of work­shops and elec­tive courses, increas­ing your class time to 30 hours a week. A min­i­mum num­ber of stu­dents may be required to open cer­tain elec­tive courses. Please note that we do not offer elec­tive courses to begin­ners, as their lan­guage skills are still basic.
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Course title: Part Time
Course hours: 09:00 - 18:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 10
School admin. fee: €169.72 tooltip Average number of students: 8
Lesson duration: 50 minutes Course materials: €47.52 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: No  
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2
Select classes that you would like to attend, for a total of 15 hours per week. Depend­ing on your level, your classes may be sched­uled in the morn­ing or in the after­noon, from Mon­day to Fri­day. Part-time pro­grams can be dis­cussed and adjusted on a case-by-case basis accord­ing to each student’s par­tic­u­lar needs, inter­ests (i.e.: gram­mar, con­ver­sa­tion, etc.) and avail­abil­i­ties. Do not hes­i­tate to let us know exactly which lan­guage skills you would like to improve upon.
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Course title: Intensive
Course hours: 09:00 - 18:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 10
School admin. fee: €101.83 tooltip Average number of students: 8
Lesson duration: 50 minutes Course materials: €40.73 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2
Intensive The inten­sive pro­gram is a pop­u­lar choice for inter­na­tional stu­dents. It includes 22.5 hours per week of gram­mar and con­ver­sa­tion courses (listening-speaking-reading-writing) which will help improve your lan­guage skills through a vari­ety of activ­i­ties, games, prac­ti­cal exer­cises, addi­tional work­shops and real life sit­u­a­tions. Depend­ing on your level, your classes may be sched­uled in the morn­ing or in the afternoon.
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Course title: Super Intensive
Course hours: 09:00 - 18:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 10
School admin. fee: €101.83 tooltip Average number of students: 8
Lesson duration: 50 minutes Course materials: €40.73 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2
If you wish to rapidly improve your lan­guage skills, or if your stay in Mon­treal is a short one, this pro­gram will be per­fect for you. It com­bines the inten­sive pro­gram courses with a selec­tion of work­shops and elec­tive courses, increas­ing your class time to 30 hours a week. A min­i­mum num­ber of stu­dents may be required to open cer­tain elec­tive courses. Please note that we do not offer elec­tive courses to begin­ners, as their lan­guage skills are still basic. Instead, we offer
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Course title: Part Time
Course hours: 09:00 - 18:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 10
School admin. fee: €169.72 tooltip Average number of students: 8
Lesson duration: 50 minutes Course materials: €47.52 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: No  
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2
Select classes that you would like to attend, for a total of 15 hours per week. Depend­ing on your level, your classes may be sched­uled in the morn­ing or in the after­noon, from Mon­day to Fri­day. Part-time pro­grams can be dis­cussed and adjusted on a case-by-case basis accord­ing to each student’s par­tic­u­lar needs, inter­ests (i.e.: gram­mar, con­ver­sa­tion, etc.) and avail­abil­i­ties. Do not hes­i­tate to let us know exactly which lan­guage skills you would like to improve upon.
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Course title: Intensive
Course hours: 09:00 - 18:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 10
School admin. fee: €101.83 tooltip Average number of students: 8
Lesson duration: 50 minutes Course materials: €40.73 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2
Intensive The inten­sive pro­gram is a pop­u­lar choice for inter­na­tional stu­dents. It includes 27 lessons per week of gram­mar and con­ver­sa­tion courses (listening-speaking-reading-writing) which will help improve your lan­guage skills through a vari­ety of activ­i­ties, games, prac­ti­cal exer­cises, addi­tional work­shops and real life sit­u­a­tions. Depend­ing on your level, your classes may be sched­uled in the morn­ing or in the afternoon.
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Course title: Private tutorial
Course hours: 09:00 - 20:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 1
School admin. fee: €101.83 tooltip Average number of students: 1
Lesson duration: 60 minutes Course materials: €47.52 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
This part-time course is offered in a one on one format, where you can create your schedule to fit your specific needs. (Max. 3 hours every day) a minimum of a 10-hour contract is required to take this course, for CAD$ 40.00 an hour. Please note: international students planning on applying for a study permit cannot register for part time courses outside of Canada. If you are an international student wishing to apply for a Study Permit, you must study full-time (Regular or Intensive programs)
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Course title: Private tutorial
Course hours: 09:00 - 20:00
Minimum age: 16
Book now
There are places available
Days of the course: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Maximum class size: 1
School admin. fee: €101.83 tooltip Average number of students: 1
Lesson duration: 60 minutes Course materials: €40.73 Mandatory and not included tooltip
Course certificate: Yes  
Levels: Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
This part-time course is offered in a one on one format, where you can create your schedule to fit your specific needs. (Max. 3 hours every day) a minimum of a 10-hour contract is required to take this course, for CAD$ 40.00 an hour. Please note: international students planning on applying for a study permit cannot register for part time courses outside of Canada. If you are an international student wishing to apply for a Study Permit, you must study full-time (Regular or Intensive programs)
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Select accommodation


Accommodation type

Total price

No. of Students

Host Family (For Minors)
Students per room: 1
Board: Full Board
Minimum age: 16
Accommodation type: Host Family

Total price

€ 168.36
There are places available
Distance from school: 45 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: Bed linen, Cooking facilities, Every day cleaning not included, Hairdryer, Heating, Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Laundry, Microwave, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Tea/Coffee Maker, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
STANDAR ACCOMMODATION A. Home¬s¬tays In a home¬s¬tay, stu¬dents will be able to prac¬tice their Eng¬lish or French lan¬guage skills out¬side the class¬room. Our host fam¬i¬lies will do their utmost to pro¬vide the great¬est pos¬si¬ble expe¬ri-ence in Montreal. Each home¬s¬tay includes: • Sin¬gle fully fur¬nished bed¬room (bed with pil¬lows and bed sheets, a towel and a desk) • Choice of 2 or 3 meals per day (you can tell your fam¬ily which foods you like and dislike) • Weekly change of bed sheets and towels • Com¬mon bathroom • Access to laun¬dry facilities • Access to a local phone (pre-paid cards can be pur¬chased to make long-distance calls) • Inter¬net access available • Pos¬si¬ble week¬end activ¬i¬ties with your host family Basic Home¬s¬tay Rules • You are expected to keep your room clean and tidy at all times.  You will have your own house key so please respect the secu¬rity of your new home. Make sure you return the key when you leave.  Respect meal times. Should you miss a meal, a replace¬ment meal is not guaranteed.  Notify host fam¬i¬lies of late arrivals or approx¬i¬mate arrival times.  Inform host fam¬i¬lies of any food aller¬gies or pref¬er¬ences. Remem¬ber that Canadian meals and eat¬ing habits may dif¬fer from yours.  Dis¬cuss the use of the kitchen, elec¬tronic appli¬ances and laun¬dry machine with your host family.  Ask your host fam¬ily how to use their elec¬tronic appli¬ances before you use them.  Clean bath¬room after use  Buy your own soap, liq¬uid gel, sham¬poo and other cosmetics.  Finally, don’t for¬get to say “please” and “thank you”!
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Host Family (2 meals)
Students per room: 1
Board: Half Board
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Host Family

Total price

€ 135.78
There are places available
Distance from school: 45 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: Every day cleaning not included, Heating, Internet access, Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Laundry, Maid service weekly, Microwave, Phone , Public transport near, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Tea/Coffee Maker, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Host Family ( 2 meals per day - Breakfast & Supper) Sin­gle fully fur­nished bed­room (bed with pil­lows and bed sheets, a towel and a desk) Choice of 2 or 3 meals per day (you can tell your fam­ily which foods you like and dislike) Weekly change of bed sheets and towels Com­mon bathroom Access to laun­dry facilities Access to a local phone (pre-paid cards can be pur­chased to make long-distance calls) Inter­net access some­times available Pos­si­ble week­end activ­i­ties with your ho
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Standard Residences
Students per room: 1
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Student House

Total price

€ 114.73
There are places available
Distance from school: 45 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: Bed linen, Cooking facilities, Heating, Internet access, Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Microwave, Phone , Public transport near, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Tea/Coffee Maker, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Work Desk
We rec­om­mend Stu­dent Res­i­dences to students already living on their own. In a res­i­dence, stu­dents share apart­ments with other students. Each res­i­dence includes: Sin­gle fully fur­nished bed­room (bed with pil­lows and bed sheets, a towel and a desk) Com­mon fully equipped kitchen Com­mon bathroom Weekly clean­ing ser­vice of all com­mon areas Access to a local phone (pre-paid cards can be pur­chased to make long-distance calls) Access to laun­dry facil­i­ties (for a small f
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Host Family (3 meals)
Students per room: 1
Board: Full Board
Minimum age: 16
Accommodation type: Host Family

Total price

€ 145.96
There are places available
Distance from school: 45 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: Heating, Internet access, Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Laundry, Microwave, Open plan kitchen, Phone , Public transport near, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Tea/Coffee Maker, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
In a home­s­tay, stu­dents will be able to prac­tice their Eng­lish or French lan­guage skills out­side the class­room. Our host fam­i­lies will do their utmost to pro­vide the great­est pos­si­ble expe­ri­ence in Montreal. Each home­s­tay includes: Sin­gle fully fur­nished bed­room (bed with pil­lows and bed sheets, a towel and a desk) Choice of 2 or 3 meals per day (you can tell your fam­ily which foods you like and dislike) Weekly change of bed sheets and towels Com­mon bathroom Access to l
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Students per room: 1
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Residence

Total price

€ 246.44
There are places available
Distance from school: 5 minutes walking
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Garden, Heating, Internet access, Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Kitchenette, Laundry, Maid service weekly, Microwave, Near the School, Open plan kitchen, Phone , Public transport near, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Tea/Coffee Maker, Towels, TV, Wake Up Service/Alarm Clock, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Each res­i­dence includes: Single fully fur­nished bed­room (bed with pil­lows and bed sheets, a towel and a desk) Fully equipped kitchen Private bathroom Weekly clean­ing ser­vice of all com­mon areas Access to a local phone (pre-paid cards can be pur­chased to make long-distance calls) Access to laun­dry facil­i­ties ($) Wifi Access Activities
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LUXURY CONDOS - 2 BEDROOMS (1-14 nights)
Students per room: 3
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Apartment

Total price

€ 570.27
There are places available
Conditions: Only available to 3 students booking together.
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Cable TV, CD Player, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, DVD Player, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Furnished to the highest standards, Garden, Gym, Hairdryer, Heating, Hob/Oven and Extractor , Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchenette, Laundry, Microwave, Near the School, Pay TV, Phone , Public transport near, Radio, Safety Deposit Box, Swimming Pool
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
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LUXURY CONDOS - 2 BEDROOMS (15-29 nights)
Students per room: 3
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Apartment

Total price

€ 475.22
There are places available
Conditions: Only available to 3 students booking together.
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Cable TV, CD Player, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, DVD Player, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Furnished to the highest standards, Garden, Gym, Hairdryer, Heating, Hob/Oven and Extractor , Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchenette, Laundry, Microwave, Near the School, Pay TV, Phone , Public transport near, Radio, Safety Deposit Box, Swimming Pool
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
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LUXURY CONDOS - 2 BEDROOMS (30-32 nights)
Students per room: 3
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Apartment

Total price

€ 403.94
There are places available
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Cable TV, CD Player, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, DVD Player, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Furnished to the highest standards, Garden, Gym, Hairdryer, Heating, Hob/Oven and Extractor , Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchenette, Laundry, Microwave, Near the School, Pay TV, Phone , Public transport near, Radio, Safety Deposit Box, Swimming Pool
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
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Students per room: 3
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Apartment

Total price

€ 380.18
There are places available
Conditions: Only available to 3 students booking together.
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Cable TV, CD Player, Central location, Close to local amenities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, DVD Player, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Furnished to the highest standards, Garden, Gym, Hairdryer, Heating, Hob/Oven and Extractor , Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchenette, Laundry, Microwave, Near the School, Pay TV, Phone , Public transport near, Radio, Safety Deposit Box, Swimming Pool
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
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LUXURY STUDIO (1-14 nights)
Students per room: 1
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Studio apartament

Total price

€ 403.94
There are places available
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Garden, Gym, Heating, Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Kitchenette, Laundry, Maid service weekly, Microwave, Near the School, Phone , Public transport near, Swimming Pool, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
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LUXURY STUDIO (15-29 nights)
Students per room: 1
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Studio apartament

Total price

€ 380.18
There are places available
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Garden, Gym, Heating, Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Kitchenette, Laundry, Maid service weekly, Microwave, Near the School, Phone , Public transport near, Swimming Pool, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
+ more information here »
LUXURY STUDIO (30-32 nights)
Students per room: 1
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Studio apartament

Total price

€ 332.66
There are places available
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Garden, Gym, Heating, Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Kitchenette, Laundry, Maid service weekly, Microwave, Near the School, Phone , Public transport near, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
+ more information here »
LUXURY STUDIO (33+ nights)
Students per room: 1
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Studio apartament

Total price

€ 285.13
There are places available
Distance from school: 10 minutes in public transport
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Deposit requiered upon arrival, Dishwasher, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Gym, Heating, Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Kitchenette, Laundry, Maid service weekly, Microwave, Near the School, Phone , Public transport near, Swimming Pool, Towels, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Apartments that make you feel at home • You save on restaurant expenses by taking advantage of our fully equipped kitchenettes with conventional and microwave ovens, refrigerator, pots and pans, dishes and utensils, toaster, electric kettle and coffee machine. Plus, you're two steps away from major food markets and and convenience stores. • All apartments come with a fully equipped bathroom including bathtub and shower. • Room telephone line and cable TV. • Secured high-speed wireless Internet access (included). You can also ask for a high-speed cable connection if you need to use the Internet for work (payable service). • All apartments are completely furnished. You need only bring your personal items, everything else is provided (hair dryer, iron and ironing board). • Our apartments are spotlessly clean and neat, intimately cozy and peaceful. • Air conditioning units are installed during summer. In the heart of Montreal and surrounded by greenery. • You're minutes away from the performing arts scene and Place-des-Arts and major cultural activities like the International Jazz Festival, Festival Montréal en Lumières, Just For Laughs Festival, Francofolies, and so much more. • It's a 5-minute walk to the Place-des-Arts subway station (green line), McGill University and the UQAM (University of Québec in Montreal). • You're within walking distance of Montreal's central business district and of the city's major cultural and nightlife attractions and just minutes away from Place-des-Arts. • You're a stone's throw from the majestic Mount-Royal and its outdoor recreational activities center. • You're in proximity to two major hospitals: Hôtel-Dieu and Royal Victoria. • You're close to many museums and the major tourist attractions: the Biodôme, the Botanical Gardens, the Olympic Stadium, La Ronde Amusement Parc, Old Montreal and the Old Port. A unique and cozy environment • You have access to our indoor saltwater swimming pool, dry sauna and gym all year round. • You'll find a laundry room with washing and drying machines on the ground floor (payable service). • We also have an ATM machine on the ground floor for your convenience. • You'll witness a magnificent panoramic view of Montreal when you walk up to our rooftop terrace. • And live in total tranquility knowing we secure the building 24/7. ACCOMMODATION VIP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN 10 MINUTES FROM THE SCHOOL (Depending on availability)
+ more information here »
Students per room: 5
Board: Self Service
Minimum age: 18
Accommodation type: Residence

Total price

€ 254.58
There are places available
Distance from school: 10 minutes walking
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: 24-Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Bed linen, Central location, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, DVD Player, Elevator, Every day cleaning not included, Furnished to the highest standards, Gym, Heating, Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Kitchenette, Laundry, Microwave, Near the School, Open plan kitchen, Phone , Public transport near, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Swimming Pool, Tea/Coffee Maker, TV, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Experience the Extras! You'll never have to leave the building or pay extra for a gym membership-since you have your own state of the art FITNESS FACILITY with loads of cardio machines, free weights & weight machines right in the building. There's a large, comfy LOUNGE with lots of couches and a big screen TV, plus a GAMES ROOM complete with pool tables and football tables. You've got full access to the STUDY LOUNGE, MOVIE ROOM and even private MUSIC ROOMS. All included in your rent! Welcome Home! Our bright, spacious apartments feature large kitchens with plenty of cabinet space and a stylish breakfast bar. Every apartment, available in 4.5 resident room layouts, includes two full bathrooms and an extra storage room. Our furnished turn-key suites will keep your move-in process as convenient as possible. Residence Rooms • Loft-like suites with 10 foot ceilings and oversized windows • Quality ceramic tile flooring in kitchens & bathrooms • 2 Four-piece bathrooms in every apartment • Hardwood tile flooring throughout living and dining areas • Sleek, well-designed kitchens with breakfast bar, generous cupboard space, large fridge, stove & dishwasher • Cable & Internet included in rent • Wi-fi is available in all common amenity areas • Storage Room • Sound insulation between walls • Central Air Conditioning
+ more information here »

3 - Transfer

Transfer from and/or to the airport

Total price

No. of Students

€ 0.00

Booking Summary

To book please select the number of students besides the course you would like to book

LanguageBookings Best Price Guaranteed
100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price.
Exceptional Support
Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support.
Booking 100% confirmed
None of our competitors will guarantee your booking quite like this.

General information: MIILA

Number of classrooms: 11

Average nº of student per classroom: 8

Minimum student age: 16

Level test on first day:

Distance from the airport: 14.2 km.

Closest airport: YUL

Year school opened: 2006

School opening times: 9:00 - 17:30

School close dates: Show


After class/extra curricular seminars
Computer room
Cultural trips
Eating area
Free internet access
Internet WIFI
Self study material
Social activities
Student room

Accreditations and quality seals

Student information

•Bien­v­enue à M.I.I.L.A., une insti­tu­tion unique en son genre qui com­bine har­monieuse­ment un envi­ron­nement d’apprentissage dynamique, une ambiance chaleureuse et accueil­lante, et des instal­la­tions modernes. À M.I.I.L.A., nous tenons à offrir à nos étudi­ants la meilleure expéri­ence éduca­tive pos­si­ble et toute l’attention per­son­nelle qu’ils méri­tent.

Terms & Conditions: MIILA

- Services must be paid in full 1 days before the course starts in order to complete the enrolment and secure a place in the course and/or accommodation.
- Bookings are not transferable.
- Bank charges are payable by students
- Students must be 16 years of age or over

Cancellation policy

- The cancellation needs to be communicated in writing to the school by the person who booked the course.
- No course changes will be allowed to make up for refunds in the case of course cancellations.
- Enrolment fee is non-refundable.
- The registration fee is non-refundable.
- Accommodation booking fee is non-refundable.
- No refund will be made for shortening the course duration after the payment.
- After a course has started there is no refund for any accommodation or other item booked.
- No tuition refunds are given for late arrivals, early departures or absences, for whatever reason, from classes during any course.
- If a student is absent for one or more weeks at a time, arrangements can be made for the course duration to be extended at no extra cost.

Refund policy

- 1- No refunds whatsoever are given for cancellations.

Visa refusal

- In case a visa is refused to the student, the school will charge CAD$350.00 Euro and the remaining balance will be refunded to the student upon receipt of an original VISA refusal letter.

Other terms


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Booking with us is really easy. You just have to go to the link of the school you are interested in. Where it says COURSE and then START, you select the dates you wish to study there. Afterwards, you select how many weeks you want to study.

You then select the course you wish to attend. You can add optional services, such as accommodation and airport transfer. If you would like to add these additional services, you need to go further down the page where you will find the section relating to ACCOMMODATION. You select the option of the type of accommodation you want (You do not have to select the dates here if they are the same as the course - they are automatically selected).
After the Accommodation, you have another option,  that of TRANSFER. This option allows you to book a transport that will pick you up at the airport and will take you to your residence or host family.

Once you have selected all these options, on your right hand side, you are going to see a summary of your reservation with all the information about the course and the accommodation, together with their prices. Also, the deposit you have to pay will be displayed there. You just have to press the Orange Button that says BOOK NOW and this will take you to another page to enter your personal details. When you are booking you only have to pay the little deposit. After that, we will contact the school and request your booking. When your booking is confirmed by the school or host, they will hold your place until the your booking balance is paid in full. The same applies for the accommodation. You can pay either with credit card, paypal account or bank transfer; as you prefer. This deposit you pay now will be discounted from the total price. The rest of the money will not have to be paid until 15 days before your course starts. In any case, you will be receiving emails about your deposit payments; and also, reminders about the rest of the money when it needs to be paid.
Best price guaranteed: 100% guaranteed  that you pay the lowest price. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge for any booking fees.

Trust & Safety:
We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is the reason why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students' reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, ... learn more

Customer Support:
If you ever need assistance, you will always be able to call our customer support whether you are a host, a school, a guest or a student. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We are always a click away from e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!

Your booking 100% confirmed: It is very unlikely that something goes wrong with your booking once confirmed by the school. In fact we are so confident, that if you do not achieve a place for a course at the selected school, we will credit your account with your full deposit and find another possible alternative for you.
The start dates of intensive and standard language courses are generally flexible. If you have some basic knowledge of the language, you will be able to start any Monday of the year at almost any school. If you are a total beginner, courses usually start once or twice a month.
You should be aware that language schools have more students in July and August than during any other time of year, which means that course fees, housing prices and the overall cost of living are often more expensive during this time. If you would like to book a course in July or August, you should do so very early: schools have limited spots and might be booked well in advance for the high season. Your chances to get your preferred housing type are also greater if you book your course early. Housing options near the school are especially difficult to secure in the summer and tend to fill up quickly.
Language courses during the low season (September to June) are not only less expensive, but also have smaller classes. If you are able to wait to take your courses during this time you will pay less for your courses, and  you may even receive better housing, since demand is much lower. Please, review this information within the language course details on the language school page.
 You can find the availability status underneath each price on the school / host page. Nevertheless, if you submit a reservation request and your place is not available, the deposit paid will be 100% refunded.
Most recent booking for this school was from Brazil and saved €10.79!