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"My experience in that academy have been fantastic. In six weeks, I have improved my English quickly ..."
The below reviews were submited by students who studied at Excite English - Manchester
Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of LanguageBookings.com
This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.
Score | 97% |
Very Poor | Poor | Average | Good | Excellent | ||
Facilities | 96% | |||||
Location | 99% | |||||
Fun | 94% | |||||
Teaching | 99% |
Individual student reviews about Excite English - Manchester
Reviews are ordered by language and date. Maximum 25 comments per page
Hello, everybody, I am from The Czech Republic and I live for 2 years in Manchester. I am happy that I found Excite English. The friendly staff, you can find in every language school in England. However, in the Excite school don't keep strictly teaching order. I think it is a big advantage. Because teachers are able to respond to problems of students.The grammar is boring for me. However, if we play games, if we prepare the interview with a client in a marketing agency, it is funnier. George
I studied at Excite English for over a year, and they demonstrated great interest in their job by tracking students learning, enabling fun when possible, encouraging us to speak english in many different contexts and also supporting students life in the UK. It was a really nice experience and I strongly recommend them
Is a great school where you can have fun, make friends and the most important: LEARN or IMPROVE your English. Thanks to Excite English I have improved my language skills.
Great school with absolutely motivated teachers. They take your individual queries very seriously and adapt the course just as you want it. I got a course adapted to my level and could profit immensely from it. Wirklich freundliche Schule mit top motivierten Lehrern. Ich bekam einen fuer mich zugeschnittenen Kurs und konnte viele Fortschritte machen. Kann die Schule nur empfehlen!
I was here for 1 week and I want to make it for a longer time, because you learn really fast. You learn many importent words really fast. Ich kann euch nur empfehlen es auch zu machen denn man spricht die ganze Zeit nur English und lernt in ziemlich kurzer Zeit viele neue wichtige Woerter die man in Manchester braucht. Man redet im unterricht sehr viel mit den Lehrern ueber den Alltag und verschiedene Dinge.
Very good experience (classes & family of homestay) to learn english and to get know about english culture! Buena experiencia para aprender ingles combinando clases y estancia en una familia inglesa.
I like this English academy a lot. I was alone with the teacher. there are little students in the class. The classes are very interesting and the teacher are very good. You can speak English in class a lot and practising your listening Me ha gustado mucho la academia. En Clase hay pocos alumnos, yo estuve solo con el profesor lo cual fue genial. Las clases son muy entretenidas y amenas porque la mayor parte es hablado. Aprendes gramatica y vocabulario hablandolo.
it was a fantastic experience, with friendly teachers...i improved my english level with fun and pleasure.... really nice
I spent a week at the Academy. The Academy is well situated. The staff is great and they made me feel comfortable. Classes were fun and I enjoyed it learning English. I am happy to have done the course on this academy. Thanks to all. Jose. 05-09 Ago 2013
I love school Excite English. Good people and good training plan.
La scuola, sita nel centro di Manchester, è comodamente raggiungibile. L'ambiente è sereno e rilassante e le classi sono formate con un piccolo numero di allievi. Gli insegnanti si spendono molto, e con successo, affinchè gli studenti apprendano e si inseriscano nella vita della città. In sole due settimane ho realmente migliorato il mio livello di inglese. Un sincero ed affettuoso ringraziomento a tutta la scuola e soprattutto a Sarah, the boss. Gabriella
Recomendo demais essa escola. Turmas pequenas e os professores muito interessados em ajudar. Gostaria de ter ficado mais 2 semanas. A escola se localiza no centro de Manchester :) adorei!!! Tres bonne ecole, avec des bons profs.. le personal sont toujours disponible et ma accomontation en familie c'etait super bien. Je vous recomande Excite :)
The best school in Manchester and probably in all the UK. Is more than an English school. The teachers give me also advice about the 'british life' and in particular about biscuits, tea and coffee. Thanks for everythings and see you soon. P.S. Avviso per gli italiani...il caffe' non e' quello italiano! Be careful!!!
Hi! I've really enjoyed my course an the excite english school. I've found very nice students here. And teachers have been very professional and funny. I had a wonderful experience and I recommend everyone come and enjoy this school. Realmente, si quereis una atencion personalizada y mejorar vuestro ingles rapidamente. Es la mejor opcion en Manchester!!!
Sono molto contento di aver frequentato questa scuola. All'inizio avevo qualche timore di non avere fatto la scelta giusta, ma tutto e' andato perfettamente. Ho migliorato la mia comprensione e ampliato notevolmente il mio vocabolario. Gli insegnati sono preparati e ti aiutano per ogni tipo di necessita'. Il peccato piu' grande e' quello di aver passato solo 2 settimane qui!! Grazie a tutti
I'm very happy in the excite english for this weeks. The classes are very dynamic and very fun. Han sido unas semanas magnificas, donde he vivido muchas alegrias y donde he aprendido mucho. Recomiendo a todas las personas venir a esta academia.
I past a really good time here i enjoy all the classes and day i have come here Los dias que estuve aca fueron increibles y muy graciosos los voy a extranar
Profesional, friendly, low student/class policy and an english teaching method really focus in the most important things: listening, speaking, vocabulary and pronunciation. Unlike other cold, overcrowded and impersonal english schools, you will receive all the help with your english and with anything related with you live in Manchester. 10/10 in location and social activities too. In other words: you don't waste your money. Resumiendo: profesionalidad y muy buen ambiente. 100% recomendado.
-For four weeks I was attending the "General Course", focused on speaking and new vocabulary. The progress came soon with new expressions, improved fluency and pronunciation. The teachers are excellent, with different teaching techniques. They are focused on the important matter and give to their students confidence. -Curso centrado en speaking/vocabulario. Con progreso rápido en fluidez y pronunciación. Profesores Excelentes, se centran en lo importante y ofrecen al alumno confianza al hablar
I really like this school because de teachers are brilliants and very funny. I have improved my English a lot in this week, and I am very happy for this. Es una academia que merece mucho la pena y es para tenerla en cuanta a la hora de buscar una academia para aprender ingles.
My experience in that academy have been fantastic. In six weeks, I have improved my English quickly thank you to my teachers. Their methods are different and so much effective. Then, they have helped me to find my new job. Si volviera a estudiar ingles lo haria aqui.
It was a wonderful experience learning English in this academy. The method adapted to the person and you feel very confortable and confidence to ask and speak. I have learn more in one month that in months in my past. Aparte de todo esto, no hablando en un sentido estrictamente academico, sino mas personal, Sara y Chris han sido como dos buenos amigos, se han portado como tales.
Muy contenta de las clases que recibí en Exite English en Mánchester durante dos semanas. Los profesores son geniales, las clases eran muy amenas y muy interesantes si queréis mejorar vuestro nivel de inglés. Además está muy céntrica y muy cerca del albergue en el que me hospedaba. Volvería sin dudarlo.
ottima scuola con degli insegnanti preparati e disponibili. E' stata assolutamente una esperienza positiva e Manchester è un città fantastica, che permette di spostarti comodamente coi mezzi anche in altre città...Consigliatissima
It is an excellent school with excellent teachers!
I have got fun at school and the teaching was brilliant.
Ho frequentato il corso presso Exite English per 2 settimane. L'ubicazione è ottima perchè centrale e a pochi minuti dalla Stazione ferroviaria di Piccadilly. Gli insegnanti sono ottimi, disponibili e ben preparati. Consiglio vivamente questa scuola.
Je suis arrivee a Manchester en Octobre 2011. J ai d abord fais une premiere ecole avant d aller a excite english. C est une tres bonne ecole, avec de tres bon prof ( excellente communication, bon cours, vocabulaire important). Excite english is a great school with a good teachers. Manchester is a famous big city, with a lots of free museums, pubs, shops,.... The weather is bad in winter (very chilly) and now it very warm and sunny.
It is very good and interesting school. I got a cheerful, useful and non-standard lessons. I would like back to Excite English School in future.