General Spanish + conversation 25 lessons per week
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
To master speaking situations in your everyday professional or academic environment, it is necessary to build up Spanish language competence. Our proven methodology of integrative teaching of the 4 skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing and teaching the necessary grammar will guide you through this process. Our intensive Spanish language courses approach a practical use of the Spanish language in order to create the basis for being able to communicate in the Spanish speaking world.
This course adds 1 daily conversation class to the Intensive Course of 20 lessons. It is especiallz popular with those students who wish to further develop their fluency. As these additional lessons take place in groups with different but similiar language levels, they are very close to real speaking situations.
Avenida Ignacio Wallis, 32, Ibiza, Spain
The below reviews were submited by students who studied at Instituto de Idiomas Ibiza
Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of
This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.
Individual student reviews about Instituto de Idiomas Ibiza
Number of classrooms: 9
Average nº of student per classroom: 5
Minimum student age: 16
Level test on first day:
Distance from the airport: 8 km.
Closest airport: Ibiza
Year school opened: 2008
School opening times: 9:00 - 20:00
School close dates: Show
•About 40% of our students come from German and English speaking countries, whereas about 20% come from Italy, Dutch and French speaking countries. Another approximately 20% come from Eastern Europe and Russian speaking countries and the remaining 20% are from Asia, Brazil and Australia. The average age of our students is approximately 28 years, the whole year round. During the summer months
•from june to september
•an additional age group between 18 and 22 years comes to study Spanish in Ibiza.