General Spanish 25 lessons per week
Levels: Beginner, Elementary - Level A1, Pre-Intermediate - Level A2, Intermediate - Level B1, Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
The Intensive course is our signature program: groups are divided according to language level and students will receive 4 hours of intense Spanish tuition a day. Our small class sizes of on average 5 students (maximum 10) guarantees the utmost flexibility and personal attention from our fully qualified teachers. Classes combine both grammar and conversation - covering reading, writing, speaking and listening to ensure a through consolidation of the Spanish language.
Marquesa de Almarza, 1, Salamanca, Spain
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Number of classrooms: 30 (up to 60 in the summer)
Average nº of student per classroom: 8
Minimum student age: 14
Level test on first day:
Distance from the airport: 20 km.
Closest airport: Salamanca
Year school opened: 1998
School opening times: 9:00 - 19:30
School close dates: Show
•ENFOREX is proud to be able to offer all of the comforts and amenities of a modern school while residing in such an extraordinary and breathtaking example of Castilian architecture. We also offer foreign language courses for Spaniards and arrange free conversational exchanges with these students, providing the perfect opportunity for foreign students to make Spanish friends and improve their language skills outside of the classroom.